About the plugin used.htmlHTMLudogW~║╢ñ.║╢ñ.üüΣ╒ About the plugin used

About the plugin used

This application is an example on what can be done using the Realbasic Plugin from Monkeybread Software.

Realbasic itself is a powerfull and easy to learn development tool. You can create applications for Mac OS and Windows very easy.

The MBS Plugin extends the command set of Realbasic with over 4000 new functions. Some of this functions were used to make this application possible.

To show you what can be done with just a few lines of code, this application was released including source code. Everyone should feel free to get the trial copies of Realbasic and the MBS Plugin. Improve this application or create a new one within a few hours.

In case you release an application based on this, send me an email and I may add a link to your application on my website.

To change this application you first need Realbasic. Launch it and load the project. RB will notice you that an external module is missing. This module includes my serial number for the plugin, so it's not included with the download. Remove the module and remove the call to the Registration method inside the module. (RB will show you this line if you try to run the project.) As soon as you have your own serial number for the MBS Plugin, you can register the plugin in this line.


Monkeybread Software

Monkeybread Software: Realbasic


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